NEEDS: (see below for full list of supported products)
IPA/GX 3.0, for image–processing acceleration under Photoshop 2.5, 2.5.1, and 3.0.
This version accelerates image–processing under the afforementioned versions of Photoshop on Power Macs and 680x0–based Macs via the Image Accel 3.0 plug–in and the Image Processing Mgr 1.2 control panel with the following Radius–SuperMac cards installed :
Thunder/24 with Thunder II Upgrade
Thunder/24 with Thunder II GX Upgrade
Thunder II Light
Thunder II Light with Thunder II GX Upgrade
Ultura LX/DSP
Spectrum Power*1152 with SuperMac Power DSP Upgrade
Futura II SX/DSP
Futura II LX/DSP
Thunder II
Thunder II*1360
Thunder II with Thunder II GX Upgrade
Thunder II*1360 with Thunder II GX Upgrade
Thunder II GX*1152
Thunder II GX*1360
Thunder II GX*1600
ThunderStorm for Adobe Photoshop (NuBus version)
In addition to image–processing acceleration, the following cards will also provide CMYK imaging acceleration via the new GX Controls plug–in and the Image Processing Mgr 1.2 control panel.
Thunder/24 with Thunder II GX Upgrade
Thunder II Light with Thunder II GX Upgrade
Thunder II with Thunder II GX Upgrade
Thunder II*1360 with Thunder II GX Upgrade
Thunder II GX*1152
Thunder II GX*1360
Thunder II GX*1600
IPA and GX Controls have been updated to fully support the PowerMacintosh systems.
You no longer require a seperate version of GX Controls for each CPU type. Version 3.0 of GX Controls now takes care of all CPUs, including the PowerPC.
QuickColor 3.2.6
Update Type: Disk/Complete Files
Release Date: 12/01/94
Needs: Macintosh with PrecisionColor 8x or later
Subj: QuickColor 3.2.6 December 1, 1994
From: SuperMac
File: QuickColor v.3.2.6.sit (74202 bytes)
DL time (19200 baud): < 1 minute
Download count: 74
AUTHOR: Radius, Inc.
EQUIPMENT: Macintosh with PrecisionColor 8x or later
NEEDS: See above or below for full details.
This archive contains the QuickColor 3.2.6 Control Panel. It provides the acceleration for supported Radius cards and their Macintoshes (including PowerMacs). The difference between this version and QuickColor 3.2.5 is the addition of a fix for acceleration under Kanji system software.
Confirmed virus–free with Disinfectant 3.5, because you never can be too sure.
RadiusWare 3.2.6 Software
QuickColor 3.2.6
November 1994
Table of Contents
• Installation Instructions
• QuickColor 3.2.6 Changes
• Power Macintosh Functionality/Macintosh Quadra 840AV
and Quadra 660AV Built–in Video Support
• Radius QuickColor Support for LeMansGT, PrecisionColor Pro , and PrecisionColor Series Interfaces for Macintosh & Power Macintosh Systems
To load the new Radius software, follow the steps below:
1) Make sure all Radius hardware for your system is installed and operational.
2) Remove any older versions of Radius software (i.e. "QuickColor" found in the Control Panels folder). Failure to follow this step may have undesired results.
3) Drag QuickColor onto your system folder icon. If you are running System 7.0 or newer, the system will automatically put the files into the appropriate sub–folders (i.e. Control Panels). Finally, restart the Macintosh to start using your new software.
A fix was made to the QuickColor control panel for an anomoly with the KanjiTalk 7.1.2 or later systems. This version of QuickColor should now operate with no problems in these releases.
Dynamic Desktop, version 3.2.5, provides functionality (including the Pop–up Bit–depth and Resolution Changer) on the Power Macintosh, its VRAM expansion cards, and Quadra 840AV and Quadra 660AV built–in video. The Power Macintosh AV cards do not currently support the Pop–up Bit–depth Changer. The Pop–up Bit–depth Changer includes a resolution–switching feature for multi–frequency displays and interfaces.
QuickColor, version 3.2.6, provides Radius' custom Quickdraw acceleration for the LeMansGT Interface, PrecisionColor Pro Interfaces, the PrecisionColor Interfaces on the Power Macintosh and Macintosh systems. Every effort has been made to ensure reliability of functionality of Radius software with these CPUs. During installation the Dynamic Desktop and QuickColor will be loaded into your system folder.
PowerSaver provides control of power saving features of the Radius Energy–Star compliant displays. If you use the Power Saver feature with a Radius (or other) display that is not equipped with the Power Saver circuitry, the display will be darkened thereby preserving the life of the display.
With the 2.0 (or later) version of the PrecisionColor Series Interface ROMs, three resolutions are available on the Radius PrecisionColor Display/21. With versions prior to 2.0, the user must select the Radius Color Display/21 setting (in the Monitors control panel Options) which will provide three resolutions: 1152x870 (75Hz), 1072x810 (80Hz) and 1024x768(75Hz).
The Radius Software folder contains the following software files for use with Radius display systems and graphic interfaces:
• QuickColor, version 3.2.6, provides Radius' custom Quickdraw acceleration.
Radius recommends that you operate with System version 7.1 or greater. However, Radius software will operate properly with Macintosh System 6.0.7 or greater.
If you are running System 6.0.7 or 6.0.8 on a Mac II, IIx, IIcx, or SE/30, Radius recommends that you use Apple's 32–Bit QuickDraw version 1.2 or later. 32–Bit QuickDraw can be installed into the System Folder of earlier CPUs by running the Apple Installer program on your Macintosh System Startup disk.
The Radius software contained on this disk is compatible with:
• Macintosh II family
• Centris series
• Quadra series
• Duo 210, 230, 250, & 270 with DuoDock and DuoDock II
• Choosing a main display: Further clarification of page 8 in the documentation; "When you first start your system...the main display will automatically be Display 1": If a display is connected to Built–in Video then that display is always Display 1. Although dragging the menubar changes the display on which the menubar appears it does not change the startup monitor designation which may affect the way some applications function. To change the startup monitor designation it is necessary to hold down the option key and drag the happy Mac face that appears, to the monitor chosen as the main display. The Welcome to Macintosh message will now appear on the monitor designated as the startup monitor.
• Finder Cleanup: Sometimes icons are moved in an unexpected fashion, i.e., the relative positions of icons are changed when they are "cleaned up"; this finder cleanup cannot be undone. Changing back to former resolutions does not necessarily place icons back in their original location.
• Window Resize: It is suggested that if custom key settings are chosen in the Dynamic Desktop control panel a different key setting be used for Window Resize than that for the Pop–up Bit–depth and Resolution Changer.
• It is suggested to avoid key settings that are commonly used as keyboard short–cuts for both applications and the Finder, e.g. command–option which will hide the current application. In this instance, this key combination if selected will bring up the pop–up menu if the mouse is positioned over an application window but will hide the current application if the mouse is clicked over an area of the Finder.
• When booting on a Precision Color card with a ROM version 1.6 or earlier, the SuperMac PressView 21 display will appear as “Radius Multi–Frequency Color” in the list of displays in the “Options” dialog within the Monitors control panel. With Precision Color Pro cards, the display will be listed as “Radius Color Two Page”. This is due to the manner in which the PressView 21 identifies itself to the display board. This does not affect functionality.
• When changing resolutions in certain applications, it has been noted that some applications are sensitive to the screen changing size. This is defined as being “Launch Sensitive”, and it basically means, that while it is possible to change resolutions within some applications, it is advisable to stick to (or return to) the same resolution selected at the launch of the particular application.
• Please note that Dynamic Desktop may cause the system to beep when changing resolutions from within the Monitors Control Panel. Check to make sure that the correct monitor type has been selected.
• MacsBug is not presently supported on a LeMansGT (ROM version 1.0) in 16 and 24–bit mode (Thousands and Millions).
• It is recommended that 840AV Built–in Video users have the most current version of QuickTime installed. Some screen redraw anomalies can occur using a multi–frequency monitor with Multiple Resolutions enabled in the Dynamic Desktop Control Panel.
If you have a problem you cannot resolve through your Radius Authorized Reseller, contact Radius Customer Support by phone at (408) 541–5700, Monday through Friday, 7:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. Pacific Time, or by FAX at (408) 541–5008. Radius maintains user forums, where we post updated versions of our software, on the following on–line information services. Customer Support personnel can also be contacted directly via these information services by sending mail directly to the specified address:
NEEDS: Built–in video of a Macintosh Quadra, Centris, PowerMac, and PowerBook 500–series
Soft Pivot is driver software used exclusively with Radius Pivot displays which are connected to Macintosh built–in video. This software is not for use with any video interface cards, except for Apple Power Macintosh DRAM expansion cards.
This archive contains all of the software necessary for pivoting on the built–in video of compatible platforms under system software up to and including System 7.5. Support for the PowerBook 520, 520c, 540 and 540c has been added. The Apple PowerMac Upgrade Card has been tested and found compatible as well. The PowerBook Duo 280 and 280c (on a compatible Dock) are now fully supported as well. For a complete listing of all platforms that this software supports, please read the enclosed Installation Instructions.
Subj: Soft Pivot 3.2 (for System 7.5) January 10, 1995
NEEDS: Built–in video of a Macintosh Quadra, Centris, PowerMac, and PowerBook 500–series, NO "HOT CLOCKS"!
*** Please be aware that "hot clocked" Power Macs–– that is, ones that have had their processor oscillator accelerated through any one of a variety of means which we and Apple do not support or encourage –– will NOT work with this software. Such modifications alter the computer environment and change the gestalt code to the point that the software can no longer recognize the system it's installed in. ***
RadiusWare Pivot v3.2 Software for OnLine Services
November 1994
Table of Contents
• Installation Instructions
• Changes in Soft Pivot Version 3.2
• Additional Supported Configurations
• Unsupported Configurations
• Known Anomalies
• Contents of the Radius Software Folder
• Tips & Troubleshooting
• Customer Support
Soft Pivot version 3.2 enables a Radius Pivot Display connected to Macintosh built–in video to operate in both portrait and landscape orientations and take advantage of RadiusWare features. Soft Pivot software consists of a system extension ("Soft Pivot Driver") and a control panel ("Soft Pivot"). Dynamic Desktop (also a control Panel) is required to pivot the display on the fly (without restarting). To install the software, follow the instructions below.
Before installing this software, make sure that any older version of Soft Pivot, RadiusWare and DynamicDesktop have been removed. The filename of Soft Pivot has changed slightly from what it was in some previous versions. The problem with that is that when you drag this software over, it will no longer overwrite the older version. If you see a message in the Soft Pivot Icon when booting that says "Dup!!", this means that there is another version of Soft Pivot loaded somewhere in your system folder.
To load new Radius software, drag the file(s) to your system folder and restart. If you are running System 7.0, the system will automatically put the files into the appropriate sub–folders (Soft Pivot and Dynamic Desktop go into the Control Panels folder and Soft Pivot Driver goes into the Extensions folder).
After dragging the software over, be sure to open the Soft Pivot control panel and select the desired configuration BEFORE restarting. This ensures that Soft Pivot is properly configured for your system. Once this is done, restart the Macintosh to start using your new software.
• IIci and IIsi – maximum 16 colors available with a Color Pivot
• Quadra 700, 900, and 950 – maximum millions of colors available
• Centris 610 and 650 – maximum thousands of colors available
• Quadra 610, 650, and 800 – maximum thousands of colors available
• LC III – maximum 256 colors available
• Performa 460, 466, and 467 – maximum 256 colors available
• PowerBook 160, 165, 165c, 180, and 180c – maximum 256 colors available
• Duo 210, 230, 250 (Mini or DuoDock* required) – maximum thousands of colors available
• Duo 270c, 280 and 280c (Mini or DuoDock* required) – maximum thousands of colors available
• Power Macintosh 6100, 7100, and 8100 DRAM (motherboard) Built–in Video – maximum 256 colors available
• Power Macintosh 7100 and 8100 VRAM Expansion Cards – maximum millions of colors available
* DuoDock II is not supported
(Maximum colors assumes that, for those computers with expandable video RAM, your computer is fully populated with all the video RAM it can hold).
Please note that Soft Pivot supports only the DRAM (motherboard) Built–in Video on the Power Macintosh AV models. The AV Expansion Card is not supported.
Radius strongly recommends that you operate with System version 7.1 or greater. However, Radius software will operate properly with Macintosh System 6.0.7 or greater.
System 7.5 introduced a boot–up progress bar as part of the Welcome to Macintosh dialog box. At the time that the Soft Pivot extension loads, the dialog box surrounding the progress bar will disappear, leaving only the progress bar. Further, in some cases, the progress bar may move away from the center of the display. These problems are strictly cosmetic, and Apple has been made aware of them.
• Post–flip Finder icon Clean–up
Part of the functionality included with Soft Pivot and, specifically with Dynamic Desktop, is an optional automatic Finder icon "clean–up" after a resolution changing event such as flipping a Pivot. Radius sends these icon clean–up requests to the Finder which then performs the operation. (You can perform the same function while in the Finder by holding down the option key and selecting "Clean Up All" from the Special menu). In some cases, the Finder performs the clean–up routine in a less than ideal fashion.
• Setting the Pivot as the start–up screen
In multiple–display configurations, it's possible to separately assign both the menubar and the start–up monitor using the Monitors control panel. When the option key is depressed with the Monitors control panel open, the start–up monitor assignment is visible as a tiny smiling Macintosh. This tiny icon can be moved from one display to another, and indicates, among other things, on which display the Welcome to Macintosh dialog will appear.
Because the Soft Pivot software reprograms built–in video after the computer has begun booting, the start–up icon should NOT be assigned to the Pivot display. If the Pivot is set as the start–up monitor, the Monitors control panel may become temporarily confused. This is only the case in configurations with more than one display.
• Monitors Control panel display icon placement
In certain multiple–display configurations, the Monitors control panel may incorrectly represent the physical display positions even after having been set. In some cases, the box icons which represent the available displays may revert back to their default positions. In other cases the display icons may appear to be set correctly, but moving the cursor between displays might not be consistent with the visual representation. This behavior does not cause problems beyond that which is described and does not occur under System 7.5.
Because this bug was introduced in this version (v3.2) of Soft Pivot, if you currently run Soft Pivot 3.1.1 in a multiple display configuration and don't plan on running 7.5, you have the option to stay with your current version. Again, this problem can only affect you if you have more than one display and are NOT running 7.5.
• Reduced mode and millions of colors
On the Quadra 700, 900 and 950, it is possible to achieve millions of colors on your original Color Pivot by setting the Soft Pivot control panel to a "reduced" mode (PrecisionColor Pivot users need not enter a reduced mode to achieve millions of colors) . If you configure Soft Pivot in this fashion and set the Monitors control panel to Millions, you might see the Pivot display come back from the next restart set to black & white. To correct this, open the Monitors control and reselect the desired pixel–depth. All pixel–depths less than Millions will stay selected through a restart.
• Low memory configurations & millions of colors
There are a few computers equipped with video capable of displaying millions of colors on your Pivot without requiring a reduced mode setting (such as the PowerMac DRAM video expansion card (also known as HPV). The amount of memory reserved by Soft Pivot to achieve millions of colors, non–reduced, is 2808K (about 2.8 Megabytes). On computers with 8MB or less of system memory, it's therefore possible that there might not be enough space in the system heap to load all of the extensions that follow Soft Pivot. In essence, the extensions run out of the memory that's reserved for them.
Unfortunately, it is sometimes difficult to detect such an occurrence, unless the extension reports that it has not loaded, such as with an "x" through it's icon (seen at the bottom of the display as the computer boots). You may also notice a lack of functionality resulting from an extension's failure to load. The solution is to either reduce the number of extensions that load, install additional RAM, or both. It's also worth mentioning that Apple's Disk Cache and RAM Disk features (found in the Memory Control Panel) also use the memory used by system files, and those settings might also be altered to free more memory.
Inside this archive is a folder by the name of "Radius Pivot Software" The Radius Pivot Software folder contains the following software files for use with Radius display systems and graphic engines:
• Dynamic Desktop provides pivoting and "on–the–fly" resolution switching without going into the Monitors control panel (although it is necessary to open and close the Monitors control panel one time after booting up with the Radius software installed). This file replaces older files named RadiusWare and Radius Resolutions. You WILL NEED to remove RadiusWare and Resolutions prior to installation of this software.
• Soft Pivot Driver, allows Pivot display to pivot when connected to Built–in–Video.
• Soft Pivot control panel, allows user to configure the Soft Pivot software.
Soft Pivot requires a portion of Macintosh system memory to re–orient the screen image after pivoting the monitor. The Soft Pivot control panel will indicate exactly how much memory will be needed by the selected configuration. Please refer to Chapter 3: "Soft Pivot" in the RadiusWare User's Manual for a more detailed discussion of memory allocation.
"Millions of Colors" mode is not supported in low memory configurations on the Power Mac 8100 with the Apple Video Expansion card and the Color Pivot Display (0277); the Dynamic Desktop icon will not load. Select "Thousands of Colors" mode in the Monitor control panel CDEV and restart your system.
The following Pivot Display models are built–in video compatible on most Macintosh systems (see "Macintosh Built–in–Video Support" above) and will require Soft Pivot software (automatically installed by the Installer) for proper operation:
• Pivot Display (0276)
• Color Pivot Display (0233 and 0277)
• PrecisionColor Pivot (0356)*
*The PrecisionColor Pivot (0356), is NOT supported on Macintosh IIci or IIsi built–in video.
The following Pivot displays require the use of a Pivot Interface card and are not compatible with Macintosh built–in video:
• Pivot Display (0194)
• Color Pivot/LE (0379)
• PrecisionColor Pivot (0356) on a Macintosh IIci or IIsi.
If you have a problem you cannot resolve through your Radius Authorized Reseller, contact Radius Customer Support by phone at (408) 541–5700, Monday through Friday, 7:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. Pacific Time, or by FAX at (408) 541–5008. Radius maintains user forums, where we post updated versions of our software, on the following on–line information services. Customer Support personnel can also be contacted directly via these information services by sending mail directly to the specified address:
Subj: SuperVideo 3.0.2/SuperPower 1.0.1 January 10, 1995
From: SuperMac
File: SuperVideo 3.0.2.sit (136285 bytes)
DL time (19200 baud): < 1 minute
Download count: 779
AUTHOR: SuperMac Technology
EQUIPMENT: SuperMac graphics card with 3.0 ROM
NEEDS: *** REQUIRES version 3.0 ROM ***
This version of SuperVideo REQUIRES the version 3.0 (Power Macintosh compatible) ROM. It will not function properly with earlier ROMs. Please see the article "Upgrade for Power Mac Compatibility" in our Upgrades folder for information on which cards are upgradable for Power Macintosh compatibility and information on how to get the version 3.0 ROM.
This version incorporates numerous functional and aesthetic changes, and includes a new version of the SuperPower extension (v1.0.1, previously posted separately) for use with the Power Macs, DuoDock INIT v1.2 (for use with any card carrying the 3.0 ROM in a DuoDock), and the new 3.0.2 SuperVideo control panel, which supports the new Thunder II GX*1600 card.
Version 1.0.1 of the SuperPower Extension works out a kink in the software which could lead to screen artifacts in the preview mode of certain applications when zoomed in to a factor of 400% (or greater) in a document which has more than 992 pixels horizontally in a single line of text. General stability on the Power Macs is also improved with this update.
Thunder II GX 3.0
Update Type: Disk/Complete Files
Release Date: 11/15/94
Needs: Photoshop 3.0, Thunder II GX graphics card
Subj: GX Controls v3.0 November 15, 1994
From: SuperMac
File: GX Controls.sit (32432 bytes)
DL time (19200 baud): < 1 minute
Download count: 99
AUTHOR: Radius, Inc.
EQUIPMENT: Thunder II GX series graphics card, Photoshop 3.0
NEEDS: Thunder II GX
This new release of the GX controls for Thunder II GX cards accelerates CMYK imaging in Photoshop 3.0 in both Power Macs and 680x0–series Macs.
The complete IPA software set for Photoshop 3.0 will be released in the very near future.